Title: From Ashes: An Inspirational Non-fiction Anthology
Series: ANWA Anthologies #3
Published by: Kindle Direct Publishing
Release Date: 2020
Contributors: ANWA Anthology
Genre: Anthology, Nonfiction
Pages: 240
Also in this series:
Series: ANWA Anthologies #3
Published by: Kindle Direct Publishing
Release Date: 2020
Contributors: ANWA Anthology
Genre: Anthology, Nonfiction
Pages: 240
I wrote a non-fiction article, "Expecting Miracles," based on my real life experience when my husband lost his job, that was included in the 2020 ANWA Anthology.
Here's the back cover blurb:
Life presents us all with a myriad of challenges - some physical, some emotional, and some seemingly too hard to bear. When faced with tribulation it is grit, perseverance and faith that allow us to rise up and overcome.
From Ashes is an inspirational anthology with seventeen diverse authors, each sharing how they overcame unique trials. From the loss of a child to paralyzing anxieties, each story is filled with inspiration and accounts of triumph and peace.
Also in this series: